Bruno Bianchi
Peintre, triptyque, style "abstrait lyrique".
Compositeur, arrangeur, orchestrateur, instrumentiste et réalisateur sonore.
Constructeur d'instruments et d'objets sonores-musicaux.
Sculpteur sur métaux (cuivre, acier).
Réalisateur de court-métrages vidéo expérimentaux.
Triptych N ° XXXXIX
Version I: 11.I.2014
Version II: 11.IX.2014
Acrylic, colored ink and other non-listed substances.
Canvases: 30 x 165 cm / 24 x 30 cm / 30 x 165 cm
Assembly : 112.7 x 165 cm
All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi.
Triptych N ° L
All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi.
Acrylic, colored ink and other non-listed substances.
Canvases: 20 x 60 cm / 20 x 60 cm / 20 x 60 cm
Assembly: 74.2 x 60 cm
Triptych N ° LI
----------------------------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .----------------------------
Color inks, acrylic and other non-listed substances
Canvas: 40 x 40 cm / 120 x 40 cm / 40 x 40 cm
Assembly: 225.3 x 40 cm
Triptych N ° LII
Version I: 05.IV.2014
Version II: 09.VI.2014
----------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .----------
Color inks, acrylic
and other non-listed substances
40 x 120 cm / 40 x 120 cm / 40 x 120 cm
Assembly: 164 x 120 cm
Triptych N ° LIII
Version I: 08.V.2014
-------------------------------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .-------------------------------
Canvases: 24 x 30 cm / 60 x 20cm / 24 x 30cm
Assembly : 152.1 x 30 cm
Private collection MS
Triptych N ° LIV
-------------------------------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .-------------------------------
24 x 30 cm
90 x 30 cm
24 x 30 cm
Assembly: 163.4 x 30 cm
Triptych N ° LV
Assembly: 80 x 80 cm
Color inks, acrylic
and other non-listed substances.
Canvases: 20 x 80cm / 18 x 16cm / 20 x 80cm.
----------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .----------
Triptych N ° LVI
----------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .----------
Color inks, acrylic
and other non-listed substances.
Canvases: 20 x 80 cm / 30 x 60 cm / 20 x 80 cm
Assembly: 90 x 80 cm
Triptych N ° LVII
Version I: 23.VII.2014
Version II: 17.IX.2014
Private collection SE
----------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .----------
Assembly : 126.5 x 20 cm
Triptych N ° LVIII
Canvas: 40 x 120 cm / 30 x 90 cm / 40 x 120 cm
Assembly: (in progress)
----------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .----------
Triptych N ° LIX
----------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .----------
Acrylic and other non-listed substances.
Canvas: 40 x 40 cm / 15 x 15 cm / 40 x 40 cm.
Assembly: 40 x 105.5 cm.
Triptych N ° LX
Version I: 05 .IX.2014
Version II: 24.IX.2014
Private collection S. & HC
----------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .----------
Canvas: 60 x 20 cm / 12 x 12 cm / 60 x 20 cm
Assembly: 20 x 146 cm.
Canvas: 12 x 12 cm / 20 x 60 cm / 12 x 12 cm
Assembly: 20 x 91.8 cm.
----------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .----------
Triptych N ° LXI
25 .IX.2014
Triptych N ° LXII
11 .X.2014
----------------------------------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .--------------------------------------
Canvas: 30 x 30 cm / 30 x 90 cm / 30 x 30 cm
Assembly: 195 x 40cm
Triptych N ° LXIII
24 .XI.2014
Canvas: 20 x 80 cm / 20 x 80 cm / 20 x 80 cm
Assembly: (in progress)
----------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .----------
----------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .----------
Triptych N ° LXIV
23 .XII.2014
Canvas: 20 x 80 cm / 30 x 90 cm / 20 x 80 cm
Assembly: 81 x 90 cm
What door will you let me in
To penetrate into your work your purpose to break through
You always take the trouble to present three
Do you intend to lead me astray on the path of your art
Three sisters at the same time one and so particular
Invite to dive into the light and shade
Three sesames three opportunities why
To let the senses trust their faith
Symptomatic enigmatic triptychs
Of the perfect completion lie authentic
Breathe in this great mad desire to approach
To touch eternity from the earth
It is the rock trace of modern man
From the impression that sprang from the earth's bark
To the imagination seized by astral force
He confronts the inaccessible on his canvas
Nicole LIERRE (December 2015)
Canvas "Triptych LXIV" by Bruno BIANCHI